Learn Unity3D Programming with UnityScript

Learn Unity3D Programming with UnityScript | Apress



Unity's JavaScript for Beginners

Learn Unity Programming with UnityScript is your step-by-step guide to learning to make your first Unity games using UnityScript. You will move from point-and-click components to fully customized features. You need no prior programming knowledge or any experience with other design tools such as PhotoShop or Illustrator - you can start from scratch making Unity games with what you'll learn in this book. Through hands-on examples of common game patterns, you'll learn and apply the basics of game logic and design. You will gradually become comfortable with UnityScript syntax, at each point having everything explained to you clearly and concisely. Many beginner programming books refer to documentation that is too technically abstract for a beginner to use - Learn Unity Programming with UnityScript will teach you how to read and utilize those resources to hone your skills, and rapidly increase your knowledge in Unity game development.

Herausgeber Apress
Autor(en) Janine Suvak
ISBN 978-1-4302-6586-3
veröffentlicht 2014
Seiten 424
Sprache English

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