Raspberry Pi, 2nd Edition

Raspberry Pi, 2nd Edition | The Pragmatic Programmers



A Quick-Start Guide

The Raspberry Pi is one of the most successful open source hardware projects ever. For less than $40, you get a full-blown PC, a multimedia center, and a web server--and this book gives you everything you need to get started. You'll learn the basics, progress to controlling the Pi, and then build your own electronics projects. This new edition is revised and updated with two new chapters on adding digital and analog sensors, and creating videos and a burglar alarm with the Pi camera. Get your Raspberry Pi up and running and doing cool stuff. You'll start with the basics: adding hardware, installing and configuring Debian Linux, and customizing the Pi's firmware to get the most out of your hardware.

Herausgeber The Pragmatic Programmers
Autor(en) Maik Schmidt
ISBN 978-1-937785-80-2
veröffentlicht 2014
Seiten 176
Sprache English

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