Programming Erlang, 2nd Edition

Programming Erlang, 2nd Edition | The Pragmatic Programmers



Software for a Concurrent World

A multi-user game, web site, cloud application, or networked database can have thousands of users all interacting at the same time. You need a powerful, industrial-strength tool to handle the really hard problems inherent in parallel, concurrent environments. You need Erlang. In this second edition of the bestselling Programming Erlang, you'll learn how to write parallel programs that scale effortlessly on multicore systems. Using Erlang, you'll be surprised at how easy it becomes to deal with parallel problems, and how much faster and more efficiently your programs run. That's because Erlang uses sets of parallel processes-not a single sequential process, as found in most programming languages.

Herausgeber The Pragmatic Programmers
Autor(en) Joe Armstrong
ISBN 978-1-937785-53-6
veröffentlicht 2013
Seiten 548
Sprache English

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