MongoDB and PHP

MongoDB and PHP | O'Reilly Media



Document-Oriented Data for Web Developers

What would happen if you optimized a data store for the operations application developers actually use? You'd arrive at MongoDB, the reliable document-oriented database. With this concise guide, you'll learn how to build elegant database applications with MongoDB and PHP. Written by the Chief Solutions Architect at 10gen - the company that develops and supports this open source database - this book takes you through MongoDB basics such as queries, read-write operations, and administration, and then dives into MapReduce, sharding, and other advanced topics. Get out of the relational database rut, and take advantage of a high-performing system optimized for operations and scale.

Herausgeber O'Reilly Media
Autor(en) Steve Francia
ISBN 978-1-4493-1436-1
veröffentlicht 2012
Seiten 78
Sprache English

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