Learning Raphael JS Vector Graphics

Learning Raphael JS Vector Graphics | Packt Publishing



Over 70 code examples to create vector graphics and data visualizations!

Raphael is an exceptional library that makes drawing vector graphics in the browser straightforward. It boasts a large number of methods that facilitate drawing and animating graphics, allowing developers to create flexible, interactive web applications and data visualizations. Learning Raphael JS Vector Graphics takes you from being a complete vector graphics novice to an accomplished vector graphics developer. Packed with illustrations and code demos, this book covers a wide array of concepts and takes you through them by example. The Raphaël library is covered in detail and in the context of its real-world applicability.

Herausgeber Packt Publishing
Autor(en) Damian Dawber
ISBN 978-1-78216-916-1
veröffentlicht 2013
Seiten 130
Sprache English

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