The Definitive Guide to Drupal 7

The Definitive Guide to Drupal 7 | Apress



The Definitive Guide to Drupal 7 is the most comprehensive book for getting sites done using the powerful and extensible Drupal content management system. Written by a panel of expert authors, the book covers every aspect of Drupal, from planning a successful project all the way up to making a living from designing Drupal sites and to contributing to the Drupal community yourself.

Herausgeber Apress
Autor(en) Benjamin Melancon, Allie Micka, Amye Scavarda, Benjamin Doherty, Bojhan Somers, Karoly Negyesi, Jacine Rodriguez, Moshe Weitzman, Roy Scholten, Ryan Szrama, Sam Boyer, Jacine Luisi, Stephane Corlosquet, Amanda Miller-Johnson, Dan Hakimzadeh, Kasey Do
ISBN 978-1-4302-3135-6
veröffentlicht 2011
Seiten 1112
Sprache English

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