Just Spring

Just Spring | O'Reilly Media



A lightweight introduction to the Spring Framework

Get a concise introduction to Spring, the increasingly popular open source framework for building lightweight enterprise applications on the Java platform. This example - driven book for Java developers delves into the framework's basic features, as well as advanced concepts such as containers. You'll learn how Spring makes Java Messaging Service easier to work with, and how its support for Hibernate helps you work with data persistence and retrieval. Throughout Just Spring, you'll get your hands deep into sample code, beginning with a problem that illustrates dependency injection, Spring's core principle. In the chapters that follow, author Madhusudhan Konda walks you through features that underlie the solution.

Herausgeber O'Reilly Media
Autor(en) Madhusudhan Konda
ISBN 978-1-4493-0640-3
veröffentlicht 2011
Seiten 78
Sprache English

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