Sinatra: Up and Running

Sinatra: Up and Running | O'Reilly Media



Ruby for the Web, Simply

Take advantage of Sinatra, the Ruby-based web application library and domain-specific language used by GitHub, LinkedIn, Engine Yard, and other prominent organizations. With this concise book, you will quickly gain working knowledge of Sinatra and its minimalist approach to building both standalone and modular web applications. Sinatra serves as a lightweight wrapper around Rack middleware, with syntax that maps closely to functions exposed by HTTP verbs, which makes it ideal for web services and APIs. If you have experience building applications with Ruby, you'll quickly learn language fundamentals and see under-the-hood techniques, with the help of several practical examples. Then you'll get hands-on experience with Sinatra by building your own blog engine.

Herausgeber O'Reilly Media
Autor(en) Alan Harris, Konstantin Haase
ISBN 978-1-4493-0423-2
veröffentlicht 2011
Seiten 120
Sprache English

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