Computer Viruses For Dummies

Computer Viruses For Dummies | Wiley



Computer viruses - just the thought of your trusty PC catching one is probably enough to make you sick. Thanks to the cyber-sickies who persist in coming up with new strains, there's a major new cyberattack nearly every day. Viruses sneak in, usually through e-mail. Remember, if you don't protect your computer, not only do you risk having your computer infiltrated and your data contaminated, you risk unknowingly transmitting a virus, worm, or other foul computer germ to everybody in your address book! This guide will help you properly immunize your PC with antivirus software now and install updates and security patches that are like booster shots to keep your software protected against new viruses.

Herausgeber Wiley
Autor(en) Peter Gregory, CISA, CISSP
ISBN 978-0-7645-7418-4
veröffentlicht 2004
Seiten 292
Sprache English

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