Facebook Marketing For Dummies

Facebook Marketing For Dummies | Wiley



Facebook boasts an extremely devoted user base, with more than 65 billion page visits per month. With Facebook, an organization can market and promote their brand, products, or services via the network's built-in components of profile pages, polls, community building, advertising, word-of-mouth marketing, and business applications. This insightful resource focuses on the strategies, tactics, and techniques necessary to lead your organization into the world of Facebook marketing. Packed with vital real-world case studies, the book serves as a must-have guide for the most reliable, responsible, and ethical business and marketing practices with Facebook.

Herausgeber Wiley
Autor(en) Paul Dunay, Richard Krueger
ISBN 978-0-470-48762-4
veröffentlicht 2009
Seiten 312
Sprache English

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