Mobile Clouds

Mobile Clouds | Wiley



Exploiting Distributed Resources in Wireless, Mobile and Social Networks

This book discusses and explores the concept of mobile cloud, creating an inspiring research space for exploiting opportunistic resource sharing, and covering from theoretical research approaches to the development of commercially profitable ideas. A mobile cloud is a cooperative arrangement of dynamically connected communication nodes sharing opportunistic resources. In this book, authors provide a comprehensive and motivating overview of this rapidly emerging technology. The book explores how distributed resources can be shared by mobile users in very different ways and for various purposes. The book provides many stimulating examples of resource-sharing applications. Enabling technologies for mobile clouds are also discussed, highlighting the key role of network coding. Mobile clouds have the potential to enhance communications performance, improve utilization of resources and create flexible platforms to share resources in very novel ways.

Herausgeber Wiley
Autor(en) Frank H. P. Fitzek, Marcos D. Katz
ISBN 978-0-470-97389-9
veröffentlicht 2014
Seiten 220
Sprache English

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